All you need to know about streaming chat


All streaming channels have a chat room, designed to allow communication between viewers and the sreamer. To write in the chat room, type in the "Write Something" box and press enter or the send button.

To write for the chat you need to be a registered user. However, any viewer, registered or not, can view the chat, to write for the chat you need to be a registered user. However, any viewer, registered or not, can view the chat.


The following formats can be used in chat:

  • Bold: To write a text in bold, type the text between double asterisks (*). Example: **Text in bold**
  • Italics: To write a text in italics, type the text between double horizontal stripe (-). Example: --Text in italics--
  • Underline: To write an underlined text, type the text between the double low slash (_). Example: __Underlined text__
  • Strikethrough: To write a strikethrough text, type the text in between double tilde (~). Example: ~~Scratched text~~~


Apart from text, it is possible to include emoticons in messages. To see the emoticons you have, click on the emoticon to the right of the box to type.

Emoticons are included in messages between two characters and colon. Example: :emoticon1: :emoticon2:.

Commands, history and autocompletion

If you type a message that begins with the character"/", it will be interpreted as a command. The commands allow you to perform actions in the chat, mainly moderation and administration.

All the messages you send are saved in case you want to reuse them. To load previous messages into the chat box, use the "up" and "down" keys.

If you press the "tab" key, you can auto-complete commands, emoticons and user names.

Commands for all users

The following commands are available to all users:

  • /reload - Reloads streaming without having to reload the page.
  • /reconnect - Allows you to disconnect and reconnect to the chat room.
  • /ignoreusers on - Ignores messages from normal users.
  • /ignoreusers off - Returns messages from normal users.
  • /silentchat on - Ignores all messages except moderators and streamers.
  • /silentchat off - Displays messages from other users again.

Commands for moderators

The following commands are available to chat moderators:

  • /ban [User] - Blocks a user, preventing him/her from writing in the chat.
  • /unban [User] - Unlocks a locked user.
  • /om [Message] - Send a message to the other moderators and the streamer. Other users will not see this message.

Commands for streamers

The following commands are available to the streamer, channel owner:

  • /moderator [User] - Assigns a user the role of chat moderator.
  • /demote [User] - Removes a user's moderation permissions.
  • /slowchat on - Enables slow chat, forcing users to wait 5 seconds between messages. This restriction does not affect subscribers or moderators.
  • /slowchat off - Disable slow chat.
  • /subscribers on - Enables subscriber-only chat, preventing users who are not subscribed to the channel from writing.
  • /subscribers off - Disables chat for subscribers only.
  • /modchat on - Enables moderator-only chat, preventing users who are not chat moderators from typing.
  • /modchat off - Disable moderator-only chat